2024-2025 Application Deadlines
Applications for the two funding streams will be accepted according to the following timelines:
- Seed grants ($5,000-$15,000 per year) will be accepted on a rolling basis.
- Impact grants ($15,000-$75,000 per year). Letters of Intent due Friday, November 15, 2024. Only select candidates will be invited to submit full proposals, due Monday, March 3, 2025.
Instructions on how to submit an application, can be found under the “Apply” tab.
Funding Streams
The International Student Experience Fund (ISEF) supports two levels of grant activities:
- Seed ($5,000-$15,000) x 2 years maximum
- Impact ($15,000-$75,000) x 2 years maximum
These two funding streams are intended to provide opportunities for projects that explore, implement, and scale up promising practices at different stages of their development and implementation, and create a pathway from initial inception to a project’s full implementation.
Seed grants are intended to encourage experimentation, as a means of fostering small-scale innovations or pilots with the potential for future scalability. These projects should hold significant promise for scalability within their home unit/division or transferability into other University of Toronto contexts.
Impact grants are designed to support large-scale projects with the potential to significantly enhance core elements of international student experience within or across units and divisions at the University. This can range from projects designed to scale, sustain and institutionalize high-impact initiatives that have already experienced successful experimentation in their local contexts, to the development of new mechanisms and tools for proliferating innovative practices.
The goal of the International Student Experience Fund (ISEF) is to foster a supportive environment on U of T’s campuses by funding initiatives that enhance the experience of the university’s international students, in alignment with the U of T’s international strategy. The ISEF supports two streams of activities; Seed ($5,000-$15,000 per year) and Impact ($15,000-$75,000 per year). This two-tiered system is intended to provide opportunities for projects that explore, implement, and scale up promising practices at different stages of their development and implementation, and create a pathway for projects from their initial inception to their full potential. ISEF grants are awarded for a maximum of 2 years.
Specific Areas of Need
Proposals that address the following specific areas of need are encouraged:
- Proactive communication of academic integrity support within the university (academic success, academic use of English programming, etc.)
- Supports for international students who do not reside on campus
- Tailored health services information for international students
Thematic Areas
All proposals should address one or more of the following themes:
- Programs, Services, and Policies
Serving all students well through institutional and operational competence. Consideration of existing programs, policies, and practices from the lens of international students (1/3 of the university’s student population) at all points of the student journey, from pre-arrival to preparing for life after U of T.
- Changing Mindset – Building inclusive community and fostering belonging
Shift from deficit mindset/approach (international students as a problem to solve) to one of global inclusion (international students as valuable members) among faculty, staff, and students.
- Interactional Diversity – Required in a learning environment at a global university
Intergroup interaction across biographies (multilingual speakers/unilingual speakers of English, Canadian/international, interaction amongst communities from various regions of the world, etc.).
- Listening to and encouraging the voices of international students
Identification and leveraging of existing forums and channels for dialogue. Addressing barriers to participation.
The International Student Experience Fund is sponsored by the Office of the Vice-President International. For additional information regarding the Fund, please contact international@utoronto.ca.
Submissions will be accepted from University of Toronto faculty and staff with continuing appointments. The primary beneficiaries of the proposal must be international undergraduate and/or graduate students.
Projects must engage each of the U of T’s student, faculty, and staff communities (i.e., representative project leadership and/or advisory groups). Note that while students cannot lead ISEF projects, their involvement in advisory roles is encouraged. Projects must also include collaboration with other divisions, either from the start of the project, or as a means of expanding the project in its final year of funding.
Research Component
ISEF is not a research grant. While a research component to a project may be appropriate, the sole purpose of a proposal should not be the production and dissemination of new research. The fund is for creating innovative initiatives that enhance the international student experience.
If you have a question regarding potential eligibility, please contact international@utoronto.ca.
Specific Areas of Need
The objective of the International Student Experience Fund (ISEF) is to foster an environment on U of T’s campuses that aligns with the university’s global mission and profile. The Fund is intended to support initiatives that enhance the experience of the university’s international students, who are its primary beneficiaries.
Proposals that address the following specific areas of need are encouraged:
- Proactive communication of academic integrity support within the university (academic success, academic use of English programming, etc.)
- Supports for international students who do not reside on campus
- Tailored health services information for international students
Thematic Areas
All proposals should address one or more of the following themes:
- Programs, Services, and Policies:
Serving ALL students well through institutional and operational competence. Consideration of existing programs, policies, and practices from the lens of international students (1/3 of the university’s student population) at all points of the student journey, from pre-arrival to preparing for life after U of T.
- Changing Mindset – Building inclusive community and fostering belonging
Shift from deficit mindset/approach (international students as a problem to solve) to one of global inclusion (international students as valuable members) among faculty, staff, and students.
- Interactional Diversity – Required in a learning environment at a global university
Intergroup interaction across biographies (multilingual speakers/unilingual speakers of English, Canadian/international, interaction amongst communities from various regions of the world, etc.)
- Listening to and encouraging the voices of international students
Identification and leveraging of existing forums and channels for dialogue. Addressing barriers to participation.
Budget Information and Template
All proposals require a detailed budget with the following sections:
Download the ISEF Budget Template
- A spreadsheet of expected expenses and funding sources (including in-kind sources).
- A budget justification for each item in the spreadsheet (250 words).
- A description of existing university resources leveraged in support of the project (100 words).
General Guidelines:
- It is recommended and encouraged that ISEF recipients utilize existing University of Toronto resources where appropriate i.e., student participation, technical support services, professional services, etc.
ISEF funds may not be used for any of the following:
- Paying faculty and staff salaries.
- Off‐setting travel costs for conferences at which you are presenting your work.
- Basic computer and related equipment expenses, nor will such items be considered as matching funds. However, specialized equipment that is specifically related to the project may be eligible, so long as a justification for inclusion is contained in the application.
- Costs associated with project dissemination
ISEF Criteria 2024-25
Criteria | Description | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Alignment with ISEF goals (x 2.5) | The degree to which the project is focused on ISEF priority areas | The project is very clearly connected to ISEF priority areas | The project is somewhat connected to some aspect of ISEF priority areas | The project is tangentially connected to ISEF priority areas | There is no apparent connection to ISEF priority areas |
Collaboration across Divisions (Yes (3) or No (0) Only) |
The project includes co-collaborators from other divisions, either from the start of the project, or as a means of expanding their project in their final year of funding | The project does not include co-collaborators from other divisions, either from the start of the project, or as a means of expanding their project in their final year of funding | |||
Engagement of each of U of T student, staff, and faculty Communities (Yes (3) or No (0) only) |
The project appropriately engages each of: U of T’s student, faculty, and staff communities through representative project leadership and/or advisory groups. | The project does not appropriately engage each of: U of T’s student, faculty, and staff communities through representative project leadership and/or advisory groups. | |||
Assessment & Evaluation | The assessment/ evaluation component of the project is present | The methodology for assessing/ evaluating the success of the project is clearly and extensively articulated | The methodology for assessing/ evaluating the success of the project is articulated | The methodology for assessing/ evaluating the success of the project is vaguely articulated | No methodology for assessing/ evaluating the success of the project is articulated in the proposal |
Transferability | The transferability of the project’s idea or concept to other units | The proposal clearly and specifically articulates how the project can be used by other units (with specific examples) | The proposal articulates how the project can be used by other units but without specific examples | The idea that other units could use the project is vaguely articulated | There is no articulation of how other units could make use of the project |
UofT Resources (Yes (3) or No (0) Only) |
The degree to which the project leverages existing resources and mechanisms at U of T | The proposal identifies U of T resources or services that could be leveraged to support the project | The proposal fails to articulate any U of T resources or services that could be used to support the project | ||
Budget | The appropriateness and justification of the budget | The proposal clearly presents a budget that is appropriately aligned with the project and articulates a strong justification | The proposal articulates a budget that is nominally aligned with the proposal, both in terms of appropriateness and justification | The proposal presents a weakly aligned budget | The proposal presents an impractical or unreasonable budget |
Sustainability | The specificity of a plan for the long-term sustainability of the initiative | The proposal clearly and specifically articulates the long-term mode of sustainability for the project | The proposal articulates a mode of sustainability for the project | The proposal contains only a vague notion of how the project will be sustained beyond the terms of the funding | The proposal does not articulate how the project will be sustained beyond the terms of the funding |
Feasibility | The likelihood of producing the planned deliverables based on proposed timelines and resources | The proposal presents a feasible and appropriately-resourced plan for achieving the project plan | The proposal presents a project plan that is likely to achieve the proposed outputs/outcomes | The proposal presents a project plan that is imprecise and raises significant questions regarding feasibility | The proposal does not present a plan that is likely to be completed given the project plan and resources put forward |
Applications for the two Fund streams for the 2024-2025 round of proposals will be accepted according to the following timelines:
- Seed grants ($5,000-$15,000 per year) will be accepted on a rolling basis.
- Impact grants ($15,000-$75,000 per year). Letter of Intent due Friday, November 15, 2024. Only select candidates with approved Letters of Intent will be invited to submit full proposals, due Monday, March 3, 2025.
Application Process:
The application process is conducted entirely online using the provided submission forms. No hard copy or email submissions will be accepted. Please complete the following steps prior to completing the online application:
Impact Grants
Proposals will be accepted by invitation only based on approved letters of intent that were submitted by the November 15, 2024 deadline.
- Download the template proposal form
- Download the template budget form
- Collect all of your information required by the two forms.
- Follow the link provided below in order to complete the online application process. Note: It is not possible to save progress on the application, so ensure that your information is compiled prior to beginning the application process.
- Submit your Letter of Intent
Seed Grants
- Download the template proposal form
- Download the template budget form
- Collect all of your information required by the two forms.
- Follow the link provided below in order to complete the online application process. Note: It is not possible to save progress on the application, so ensure that your information is compiled prior to beginning the application process.
- Submit your application
Relevant Reports / Discussion Documents
- International Student Experience Fund – Impact to Date and a Re-visioned Framework for the Future (2022)
- International Student Experience – Key Themes for Consideration and Discussion (2018)
U of T International Offices (Student Experience and Support Services)
- Centre for International Experience (UTSG)
- International Education Centre (UTM)
- International Student Centre (UTSC)
U of T Teaching and Learning Centres
Project Title | Summary | Project Lead(s) | Funding Stream |
International Students- Life After U of T Documentary | This project seeks to better understand the needs of international student graduates and recent alumni as they embark on life after U of T. A diverse group will share their individual stories through video diaries, voiceovers, and vlogs. | Julia Allworth, Manager, Innovation Projects, Division of Student Life/ Innovation Hub; Shraddha Prasad, Assistant Director, International Scholar and Student Experience, Centre for International Experience | Seed |
Connecting International Student Parents | Supporting international students with families as they navigate various systems, including their first few months of arriving. Programming includes creating space for connections, especially for those living off campus. | Helen Katz, Family Care Advisor, Family Care Office | Seed |
International Students’ Document Reminder | Development of a digital tool that will simplify the immigration document management process for the U of T’s international students and help them stay compliant with immigration regulations throughout their studies. | Lana Volkova, Associate Director, International Students Services, Centre for International Experience | Impact |
Insights for Intercultural Career Readiness Program | Project that provides graduate-level international students with intercultural communication and career readiness training through an innovative micro-learning approach that leverages AI-driven content. | Sabina Michael, Associate Director, Intercultural Skills Lab, Rotman School of Management
Kristen Ligers, Director, Programs, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy |
Impact |
Passport to Success: Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education Undergraduate International Student Success Program | Project to enhance supports provided for international undergraduate KPE students through proactive, tailored interventions from the pre-arrival through to the early career stage. | Allison Scully, Manager, Student Services & Academic Advising, Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education | Impact |
Project Title | Summary | Project Lead(s) | Funding Stream |
Hart House Partnered Program Series: Building Community for International Students | This program series facilitates intercultural connection and sense of belonging through partnered and themed programs for incorporating arts, wellness and fun at events and ongoing sessions such: as skating in the Hart House Quad, Hart House Halloween Haunt, Tri-Campus Winter Solstice gathering, dance classes, and self-care, rest & restore sessions. | Michelle Brownrigg, Senior Director & Chief Program Officer, Hart House | Seed |
Project Title | Summary | Project Lead(s) | Funding Stream |
International Students: First 48 Hours | The Innovation Hub will identify 8 diverse international students who are willing to document their first 48 hours in Canada. Using video diaries, the students will document their experience in real time. Data collected will help build understanding of what it is like for international students when they first arrive. | Julia Allworth, Manager, Innovation Projects, Division of Student Life/ Innovation Hub; Katherine Beaumont, Senior Director, Global Learning Opportunities & International Student Success, Centre for International Experience | Seed |
Community Welcome Event | This program seeks to provide a community welcome to the Toronto area to FAS international students new to Canada and living off campus. Students will be staying on residence at New College and be able to form relationships with alumni and other international students through a program of events. | Tara Etherington, Assistant Director, International Student and Scholar Experience | Seed |
First-Year E-Buddy Program | Providing first-year international Engineering students with the transitional support they need to succeed at the U of T. Engaging current students in offering formal and informal programming to introduce entering and new students to available Faculty and campus resources and services. | JesusMiracle Chiadika, First Year Advisor, Intercultural Learning and Experience | Seed |
Global Citizenship Project | Creating a tri-campus initiative open to all U of T students to foster and enhance students’ global fluencies through a series of learning and engagement activities provided by and in coordination with each of the tri-campus international education centres. | Tara Etherington, Assistant Director, International Student and Scholar Experience | Impact |
Global Fluency Series for Faculty and Teaching Staff | Develop and pilot intercultural and global fluencies workshops for Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Course Instructors (CIs). This endeavour supports new job training requirements that focus on intercultural competence and will provide training, tools and resources to support inclusive and interculturally informed approaches in the classroom. | Tara Etherington, Assistant Director, International Student and Scholar Experience | Impact |
Onboard at OISE: A Multi-Step Program for Developing Academic Skills for Success and Enhancing International Student Integration and Engagement | A program for international MEd students to promote: academic skills development; language learning and exchange; community building; and mental health and wellbeing. The project includes: a Pre-Arrival Graduate Success online course, an Academic Skills Library, Academic Writing Groups and a digital tool to record and gain recognition for related activities. | Ian MacLeod, Director of Student Experience | Impact |
Temerty Medicine Connect International | Create faculty wide resources for all stakeholders to minimize the impact of institutional/structural barriers experienced by TFOM international graduate students; improve student life experience via TFOM digital assets; and develop co-curricular activities to enhance the international experience of all learners. | Rachel Zulla, Graduate Affairs Officer, Temerty Faculty of Medicine | Impact |
Language, Identity, Multiculturalism and Global Empowerment (L’IMAGE) | Creation of digital comics depicting students’ lived experiences pertaining to the languages that they use, and how they navigate their identities via language. The comics will be disseminated via social media, classrooms, student orientations, and student leader training programs to promote intercultural competence and empathy in the university community. | Ai Taniguchi, Department of Language Studies, UTM | Seed |
Community Welcome Event | This program seeks to provide a community welcome to the Toronto area to FAS international students new to Canada and living off campus. Students will be staying on residence at New College and be able to form relationships with alumni and other international students through a program of events. | Tara Etherington, Assistant Director, International Student and Scholar Experience | Seed |
2020-21 (First Round)
Project Title | Summary | Project Lead(s) | Funding Stream |
Wrap Around Supports for International Masters of Social Work Students | To provide wrap-around supports to international MSW students including targeted orientation, academic and peer mentorship support. Engagement with these students will begin before they start the MSW program and will continue throughout the two-year program to ensure student engagement and success up until and after graduation. | Milad Tabataba, Assistant Dean, Student Services, The Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work | Seed |
Celebration for Graduating International Students | Providing an in-person delivery of a custom-made and U of T branded GradBox to a group of international students that will be graduating this spring, are currently in Canada and close to campuses, and are unable to celebrate with their families given current circumstances – as a way to contribute to celebrating and recognizing their accomplishment. | David Kim, Dean of Residence, Director of Student Life, Ancillary Services | Seed |
Engineering Leadership Labs: Internationalization | Expansion of the Leadership Labs program to engage more students with enhanced curriculum to maximize cross-cultural fluency and relationship-building between and among international and domestic students. | Annie Simpson, Associate Director, Troost ILead, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering | Impact |
Enhancing Intercultural Development | Development of an intercultural development and programming framework. This project will create resources that will be available for use across the university that will maximize learning across difference, enhancing and strengthening the intercultural competence of UofT students, faculty and staff. | Erika Loney, Senior Manger, Global and Intercultural Experience, UTSC; Tara Etherington, Assistant Director, International Student and Scholar Experience, CIE; Veronica Vasquez, Director, International Education Centre, UTM | Impact |
Global Living and Learning Community (GLLC) | The GLLC will provide students with an immersive community experience across languages, cultures and disciplines in curricular and co-curricular settings. | Chad Nuttal, Director, Student Housing & Residence Life, UTM | Impact |
Project Title | Summary | Project Lead(s) | Funding Stream |
Enhancing International graduate Student Life: Expanding Pre- and Post- Arrival Student Support Portal Efficacy Beyond Phase 1 | Expansion of a 2018-19 Seed project: Creation of online supports to address critical pre-arrival period for entering international graduate students. Project outcomes will include improved on-boarding and sense of community for students and increased faculty/staff awareness of students’ needs | Professor Earl Woodruff, Chair, Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development (APHD) | Impact |
ISSD@OISE: A Tool for Strengthening the Global Competencies of the OISE International and Domestic Graduate Student Community | Integrated online platform designed to enhance international students’ academic and social experience at U of T. Oral and written language development is addressed through self-guided, mentor-led, and peer-to-peer support. The platform also provides automated feedback support and facilitated trans-languaging and knowledge-sharing activities between international and domestic students | Dr. Eunice Jang, Professor, Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development | Impact |
First Year Learning Integration Program (FLIP) | Expanding the successful First-Year Learning Communities (FLC) pilot at UTSC to a wider program of intercultural programming for Management Students. FLIP will be delivered to 100 students through five integrative modules: Academic Support & Success; Effective Business Communication; Increased Engagement; Interactional & Intercultural Diversity; and, Career Readiness | Professor Iris Au, UTSC Department of Management | Impact |
Logic Lab | Low stakes, small group, TA-facilitated forum or ‘lab’ that removes barriers to learning, addresses the needs of multi language learners and promotes interactional diversity between students from diverse academic and cultural backgrounds. | Professor Alex Koo, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts & Science and UTM | Impact |
Building Critical Approaches to Inclusive Global Classrooms | Development of training resources for faculty, students, and staff interested in building global classrooms. This project focuses on how to reduce barriers and unequal north-south power relations in global classrooms. It will make recommendations on the inclusion of the global classroom experience into the academic work of students | Bettina von Lieres, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream; Coordinator, Integrated Learning and Community Engagement, Centre for Critical Development Studies, UTSC | Seed |
Multilingual Speakers: Building First Year Foundations | Incorporation of a customized ELL (English Language Learning) framework of embedded language and academic literacy instruction into weekly course tutorials. The project supports a (FYF) First Year Foundations seminar designed specifically for first year multilingual international students. | Emily Gilbert, Director, Canadian Studies, University College, Faculty of Arts & Science | Seed |
Targeted Support for International Students: Multilingual German Workspace to Enhance Third-Language Acquisition | Building on the high-potential of international students through multilingual German workspace sessions. As supplements to first-year German language courses, these workspace sessions provide an early intervention support for international students in a risk-free environment, without the pressures of a formal classroom. Workspaces will also provide leadership opportunities for more advanced international multilingual students. | Erol Boran and Hang Sun Kim, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Arts & Science | Seed |
UTM International Student Proactive Advising | Grounded in the GROW coaching model, the UTM International Transition Coaching Program (renamed from Proactive Advising), addresses transitional issues for new international students. The program helps students to think about their personal and/or professional goals in order to relate them to their academic/educational goals. | Veronica Vasquez, Director, International Education Centre, UTM | Impact (1 year pilot) |
2018-19 (Second Round)
Project Title | Summary | Project Lead(s) | Funding Stream |
Integrative Sport and Recreation Programming for Increasing International Enrolment and Engagement | Development of student-driven micro grant initiative to increase physical activity among international students. Initiative will raise awareness of physical activity benefits, particularly academic success, among this audience | Luc Simard, Assistant Director, Physical Activity Programs, Equity and Client Services, Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education | Impact |
International Student Experience Website | Development of a central landing place/ wayfinding online resource for U of T international students. Website is a starting point that identifies key needs and directs students to divisional information sources | Katherine Beaumont, Senior Director, Global Learning & Opportunities, Centre for International Experience | Impact |
Academic Rebound Content Development | Development of reintegration-recovery content for international students placed on one-year suspension. Content will be tailored to the unique needs of international students. Supports designed to enhance academic skill development include one-to-one sessions with learning strategists and academic advisors | Professor Pamela Klassen, Vice-Dean Undergraduate & International, Faculty of Arts & Science & Deborah Robinson, Faculty Registrar and Director of Academic Services, Faculty of Arts & Science |
Impact |
Speaking with Confidence: Early Oral Communication Support for International Graduate Students | Oral communication support for incoming graduate students with a focus on academic conversation and presentation skills. Enhanced and expanded courses and workshop offerings will address needs of new students at the start of their programs. Project will be scaled up to be delivered in discipline-specific ways to multiple units at U of T | Dr. Jane Freeman, Director, Graduate Centre for Academic Communication & Dr. Rachel Cayley, Associate Professor, Graduate Centre for Academic Communication | Impact |
Joint Institute of Islamic Studies and Latin American Studies Program Student Engagement Initiative | Through a full program of guest lectures, master classes, film screenings, and social events — this project engages students in the exploration of intersections between Latin American Studies and Islamic Studies. Organized into three annual themes – the project provides a safe, informative and engaging space for dialogue. Intercultural competencies gained through students’ engagement in the program as participants and leaders will be recognized in the Co-Curricular Record (CCR). | Professor Anver Emon, Director, Institute of Islamic Studies & Dr. Berenice Villagomez, Latin American Studies Program | Seed |
Innis Cultural Connections Program | The Innis Cultural Connections Program (ICCP) aims to foster meaningful reciprocal relationships between international and domestic students. Through a full program tailored to each phase of new students’ arrival (pre-arrival, orientation, and the first 6-weeks), ICCP facilitates purposeful interaction between international and domestic students at the start of their U of T careers. Domestic and international students pair up prior to arriving on campus through an online self-selection process, and are then given multiple, facilitated opportunities to connect with one another. | Steve Masse, Dean of Students, Innis College | Seed |
Pre-arrival Teaching e-Orientation Program | The Pre-arrival Teaching e-Orientation program is designed to support the transition of incoming first-year international graduate students who would like to teach at the University of Toronto. The program is designed to help participants consider their existing strengths and experiences within an intercultural classroom environment, to better understand their own expectations around teaching and those of U of T, and connect them to resources early on to build upon their existing knowledge and skills. | Dr. Michal Kasprzak, Assistant Director, Teaching Assistants’ Program, Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation | Seed |
2018-19 (First Round)
Project Title | Summary | Project Lead(s) | Funding Stream |
Support for International Graduate Students in APHD (Phase 1): Pre-Arrival Online Group and Resources | Creation of online supports to address critical pre-arrival period for entering international graduate students. Project outcomes will include improved on-boarding and sense of community for students and increased faculty/staff awareness of students’ needs | Professor Earl Woodruff, Chair, Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development (APHD), OISE & Professor Katreena Scott, Associate Chair, Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development (APHD), OISE | Seed |
First Year Foundations: Supporting Student Success in Small Seminars and Large Classes | Development of a coherent framework of academic offerings that will enable international first-year students to fully participate in both small and large classes, and to better navigate their academic options | Professor Pamela Klassen, Vice-Dean, Undergraduate and International, Faculty of Arts & Science & Professor Alana Boland, Associate Dean, Teaching & Learning, Faculty of Arts & Science | Impact |
Integrated UTSC Online Pre-arrival Platform | Development of a web-based pre-arrival orientation and mentorship program designed to assist students with their transition into UTSC. Program platform will provide mechanisms to track student engagement and participation | Erika Loney, Manager, International Student Centre | Impact |
International Student Experience Ambassadors | Establishment of a pre-arrival concierge service for incoming international students delivered by current student ambassadors. Trained e-mentors will field general queries pertaining to student experience, directing technical questions to the appropriate U of T contact | Katherine Beaumont, Senior Director, Global Learning & Opportunities & Ken Withers, Director, Office of Student Recruitment | Impact |
International Student Transition Program: Welcoming International Arts & Science Undergraduate Students | Development of residential late-summer international transition program featuring experiential workshops, sessions, and activities designed to address the following areas: Academic Wayfinding, Academic Preparation, Campus Familiarity, City and Climate Orientation, and Community & Peer Support | Deborah Robinson, Faculty Registrar and Director of Academic Services, Faculty of Arts & Science & Katherine Beaumont, Senior Director, Global Learning & Opportunities | Impact |