Skyline of buildings at sunset


North America is a critical region for U of T engagement. As the third largest region from which the university recruits students, with 26,461 alumni, 156 corporate partnerships, and countless faculty who have studied, taught and collaborated with American colleagues, there is no country with which U of T has stronger ties than the United States of America.   

The University of Toronto is also actively deepening ties with Mexico through collaborations with academic partners but also through government supported programs such as FUNED and CONAHCYT that help bring top Mexican students to U of T. Top areas for joint research collaboration with Mexico include medicine, agricultural and biological sciences, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, physics and astronomy, and social sciences. 

Partnerships in the Region

U of T’s deep engagement with America is guided by a President’s International Council on USA, with faculty who study or have deep partnerships with colleagues in the U.S., as well as by two advisory councils made up of senior alumni in the U.S. – one on the east and one on the west coast. Together, they advise on our strategic engagement, entrepreneurship, corporate and foundation engagement, brand building and regional opportunities.  

The university receives advice on Mexico from its President’s International Council on Latin America and the Caribbean. U of T has been exploring clean energy materials with top Mexican institutions such as the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), and Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM).

Downtown Guanajuato with the Collegiate Basilica of Our Lady of Guanajuato In Mexico.
  • 1670

    (Fall 2022)

    Degree students

    (215 are from Mexico)

  • 27418

    (August 2023)


  • 166841


    Joint publications

Partnership Highlights