
Joint workshops help lay the groundwork for future international collaborative research. They allow faculty and students to leverage complementary research strengths and increase their access to the unique capabilities of other international institutions. The Office of the Vice-President, International will provide up to $5000 to help facilitate a joint research workshop. Please note: workshop organizers must demonstrate a match of $10,000 in order to be eligible for the full $5000. Professional association meetings and large international conferences are not eligible for funding; rather, the purpose of workshop funding is to build specific partnerships with one or at most several institutions.

To request workshop funding, please submit a proposal to the OVPI Application Portal. The proposal should contain the following:

  • Lead U of T PI
  • Other U of T Participants
  • Partner Institution & Anticipated Participants
  • Overview of Workshop (focus/foci of discussion, advantages of the planned collaboration)
  • Anticipated Outcomes (including hoped for scale up of collaboration)
  • Budget (including information on other funding sources)

OVPI Application Portal & User Accounts: Please note, OVPI has populated this new platform with historic grants data. If you applied to an OVPI grant in the past, an account may have been created for you during this process. When signing up for a new user account, the following error message will indicate that your e-mail address is associated with an existing account: “Email must be unique. is already being used.” If you receive this error, please simply use the forgot password option to gain access to your account or contact for assistance.