Middle East & North Africa

U of T enjoys a rich history of engagement and collaboration in higher education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

Partnerships in the Region

U of T scholars and their collaborators from institutions across the region, including Tel Aviv University, Ankara University, Mohammed V University in Rabat, and King Saud University, have collaborated regularly on joint publications in fields such as medicine, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, engineering, computer science, materials science, and political science.

U of T’s partnerships in MENA, academic and beyond, continue to expand in number and depth, benefiting from robust relations with institutions like the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and Boğaziçi University. U of T also has a long tradition of sending students on exchange to region, with a focus on diverse areas including archeology, geology, law, political sciences and medical sciences. U of T’s engagement in the Middle East is guided in part by the President’s International Councils on the Middle East and North Africa, which are comprised of U of T faculty with regional expertise.

  • 1311

    (Fall 2022)

    Degree students

  • 118


    Student mobility

    (62 outbound, 56 inbound)

  • 1885



  • 5204


    Joint publication